
Flounder edge / Engawa

Flounder edge / Engawa

Do you love Flounder edge?  Then do you know what it is specifically?


If you don’t know, you should know about it to enjoy the meal.



Flounder edge is usually used Flounder and Halibut and a part of muscle to move both back fin and tail fin.

In Japan, we actually differentiate Flounder and Halibut unlike in America.


It has plenty of fat because a part of fin of fish is used frequently to swim.

Also, it can take care of skin because it’s rich in collagen.


Flounder is called Engawa in Japanese.

The name of Engawa is derived from being similar to Engawa (縁側) of Japanese architecture.



The amount of flounder edge from one of flounder is worth of as few as 4 dishes.

So, it’s very rare part.

It depends on rank of sushi restaurant, but it’s usually provided at a high rate.


As you know, one which is used at family-friendly restaurant is cheap.

It’s because Greenland halibut is mainly used.

The amount of flounder edge from one of Greenland halibut is worth of as many as 20 to 60 dishes.

The amount is as many as 5 to 15 times different from flounder.  

That’s why one which is provided at such restaurant is cheap.



Have you ever noticed the difference of flounder edge?

As you may know, there is a difference of its taste and texture.


Especially flounder edge used at family-friendly restaurant is bland and greasy because it’s used Halibut as I mentioned before.


Some people like the greasy taste while others don’t like it.

Also, you can process flounder edge into one which goes with sake just by adding hot water.

Try our flounder edge and have a good day of sushi.


The following is nutritional value of flounder edge.




Calorific value













Greenland Halibut


